ESP8266 example: Wi-Fi Access point, static IP, web-server and remote GPIO control

ESP8266 example: Wi-Fi Access point, static IP, web-server and remote GPIO control

After testing the basic Wi-Fi connectivity options of the ESP8266 it is now time to explore some of the more interesting features of the chip. In the sketch below the NodeMCU development board creates a Wi-Fi access point and starts a web-server. A HTML page hosted on the web-server displays analog data from a photocell and allows you to control remotely a LED via Wi-Fi from a web-browser on your phone or PC. As in the previous examples, I am using the Arduino IDE to program the ESP8266 board.

The LED is connected to NodeMCU pin D1 (ESP8266 GPIO5) through a 1k resistor. One leg of the photocell is connected  to 3.3v and the other one to ground trough a fixed 10k Ohm (or higher) resistor. There is also a connection from the NodeMCU pin A0 (ESP8266 ADC0) to the point between the fixed pull-down resistor and the variable photocell resistor.

ESP8266 Web Server
ESP8266 Web Server example connections with the larger variant of the NodeMCU board

And here is the sketch:

Load the sketch, open the serial monitor and restart your NodeMCU module. You should see the following output:

Configuring access point...
AP IP address:
HTTP server started

Now open the Wi-Fi settings of your phone, or PC. You should see a new Wi-Fi network, called “ESP8266” (assuming you left the defaults in the sketch above). Connect to it using the password from the sketch, open a new browser window and type in the address bar. This is the static IP we defined earlier in the sketch for the root of the web-server. You should see a page like the one below:



You can click on the link to toggle the LED now: the page should refresh and the LED should respond to your command!

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22 Comments on “ESP8266 example: Wi-Fi Access point, static IP, web-server and remote GPIO control

  1. Hi,
    I’m starting to use ESP8266 and I’ve been very useful for your example thank you. I do not know HTML so I wonder if, once connected to the module, I can set ssid and password in the memory of the module itself by introducing this data into the edited web page.

  2. I love people that say Great and work first time; however I found it will not compile reason being in line 1 @ the end ” */” as you have it at line 3, because of that line 2 does not compile.
    Of course with me I got the web server working as per your example but in terminal mode “Arduino” what is all the rubbish text before displaying Configuring access point…
    AP IP address:
    HTTP server started
    Is it just junk when you reset the 8266 noise configuring registers etc.
    I haven’t manage yet to get the led to blink either way round but I must say this is lovely work by yourself. It gives an insight to what I want to do. Many thanks but please delete that */ and its perfect.

  3. Great tutorial – worked first time. Couple of points:

    Chrome rejects and brings up a search page. Works fine with firefox.

    The page does not automatically refresh. In fact it goes and stays blank when one toggles the LED and one needs to “manually” refresh the page.



    • Necroposting here, but is a valid IP address on the internet. It should never be used on a home network even in .

      Ideally the network address should be something in one of the address banks reserved for local networks like 192.168.x.x or 172.(16-31).x.x or 10.x.x.x (where x can be anything from 0-255)

  4. I am getting this error: “missing terminating ” character” at line 133 “,. I’m fairly new at this although I do know HTML5.

  5. I would like to use this sketch with the Adafruit Feather Huzzah with ESP8266. However, I’m not sure what changes need to be done to make it compatible. Any advice?

  6. I’m not getting the you mentioned.
    I get an ip which is within my network. I can access using

    06:11:01.070 -> SDK:2.2.1(cfd48f3)/Core:2.4.2/lwIP:2.0.3(STABLE-2_0_3_RELEASE/glue:arduino-2.4.1-13-g163bb82)/BearSSL:6d1cefc
    06:11:01.070 ->
    06:11:01.070 -> Configuring access point…
    bcn 0
    06:11:02.888 -> del if1
    06:11:02.888 -> pm open,type:2 0
    06:11:02.888 -> add if1
    06:11:02.888 -> pm close 7
    06:11:02.888 -> dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
    06:11:02.888 -> bcn 100
    06:11:02.888 -> AP IP address:
    06:11:02.888 -> HTTP server started

  7. Hi,
    Thanks for your help. I uploaded the above code and created an access point with web server on it successfully. Now, if I want to send some commands remotely via WiFi, e.g. sending commands or data from my distant laptop/phone to the arduino/ESP8266 in order to control the sensors, what should I do?

    Best, Jamshid

  8. Hi
    Just what I looking for, a foot up to finding out about ESP8266 control over the net. Thank you.
    Tried to compile the sketch as it is but got an error on this line
    IPAddress apIP(; // Defining a static IP address: local & gateway
    // Default IP in AP mode is

    The error says ;
    exit status 1
    too many decimal points in number

    Any ideas?

    Thanks again for your tutorial.

  9. Excellent tutorial although pressing ‘TURN it ON!’ has no effect on the phone screen or the LED?

  10. Great tutorial for anyone starting with ESP8266, as the example worked on ‘WeMos D1’ provided ledPin = D2 or higher.

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