Simple Water Detection Circuit
As part of a project to make DIY water activated diving flashing marker, I needed a simple circuit to detect when the marker is in contact with water. Turns all all it takes to do that is a a couple …
As part of a project to make DIY water activated diving flashing marker, I needed a simple circuit to detect when the marker is in contact with water. Turns all all it takes to do that is a a couple …
After testing the basic Wi-Fi connectivity options of the ESP8266 it is now time to explore some of the more interesting features of the chip. In the sketch below the NodeMCU development board creates a Wi-Fi access point and starts a web-server. A …
ESP8266 example: Wi-Fi Access point, static IP, web-server and remote GPIO control Read more »
In the following examples, I will be using the NodeMCU development board and will program it with the Arduino software. Hopefully you have already set-up your ESP8266 development environment and were able to load the blink sketch. If not please follow …
ESP8266 Wi-Fi tutorial and examples using the Arduino IDE Read more »
Part 1 of this tutorial covers the set-up of the Arduino IDE to support the ESP8266 boards. In part 2 I will go through the steps of loading a slightly modified Blink sketch to the NodeMCU board. First, a couple …
How to program the ESP8266 WiFi Modules with the Arduino IDE (Part 2 of 2) Read more »
I have recently started exploring an ESP8266 based development board I had sitting around. There is a growing number of firmware and development tools for the board, but as I am familiar with the Arduino IDE and syntax, I decided …
How to program the ESP8266 WiFi Modules with the Arduino IDE (Part 1 of 2) Read more »
In previous posts I covered the steps on programming ATtiny85 and ATtiny84 chips using an Arduino Uno as programmer and the Arduino IDE Software with two different “libraries”. At that time the process of adding new boards to the Arduino IDE …
Programming ATtiny ICs with Arduino Uno and the Arduino IDE 1.6.4 or above Read more »
I while back I did some work on a self-balancing robot using and Arduino Uno and the InvenSense MPU-6050 6DOF sensor. Using the sensor is easy, thanks to Jeff Rowberg’s I2Cdev library and sample code. If you look around line 200 …
This post will cover the steps necessary to set-up remote access to the Raspberry Pi terminal and graphical desktop environment from a Windows, or Linux PC. I do not have a Mac, but the steps should be very simillar. In some posts this …
Access your Raspberry Pi Terminal and Graphical Desktop remotely using SSH and VNC Read more »