
How to program ATTiny85 with Arduino Uno (part 2)

This is the second part of the tutorial on how to program an AVR ATTiny85 chip with Arduino Uno. All…

How to program ATTiny85 with Arduino Uno (part 1)

UPDATE, November, 2015: The article below was written for Arduino IDE versions, prior to 1.6.4. If you are currently using…

ATTiny Line Follower

http://youtu.be/ZEQELKFFFJo Continuing to mess around with the ATTiny85 IC... I ported the code from my Arduino Uno line following robot…

Free Course: Control of Mobile Robots

Coursera is a social entrepreneurship company that partners with the top universities in the world to offer courses online for anyone…

The very basic: Circuits

Circuits 1 - Khan Academy

Robot Platform including h-bridges from $10 R/C Car

This is an "instructable" on how to hack a cheap remote controlled toy car and turn it into an Arduino…