
28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor with ULN2003 driver and Arduino Uno

First, lets see the little steppers in action! Our main character, StepperBot, is “instructed” to move in a square path…

Using Bluetooth and an Android phone for debugging Arduino sketches

I bought a Bluetooth module a few months ago and never really tried to use it because in my mind…

Differential drive with continuous rotation servos and Arduino

Purpose: Create a simple and easy to control drive system for a small robot with minimal number of parts and…

Programming ATtiny84 / ATTiny44 with Arduino Uno

My order of ATTiny84 chips from Mouser arrived yesterday, so it is time to load the Arduino Blink example sketch…

Connecting Arduino Uno and the JY-MCU Bluetooth module using SoftwareSerial

My previous post covers the basics of setting up a Bluetooth connection between an Arduino Uno and an Android phone…

How to connect an Arduino Uno to an Android phone via Bluetooth

The purpose of this tutorial is to cover the basics of setting up a connection between  Arduino Uno and an…

Arduino controlled LCD using a shift register and the SPI library

Now that I got my recycled 40x2 character LCD working with Arduino, the next step is to get it to…

Controlling a 40 x 2 character LCD with Arduino Uno and the LiquidCrystal Library

A couple of days ago I came across a discarded Meridian PBX phone and naturally, took it apart. Among some…