
Applications and programming tips for the awesome ATTiny chips.

Programming ATtiny ICs with Arduino Uno and the Arduino IDE 1.6.4 or above

In previous posts I covered the steps on programming ATtiny85 and ATtiny84 chips using an Arduino Uno as programmer and…

How to program ATTiny85 with Arduino Uno (part 2)

This is the second part of the tutorial on how to program an AVR ATTiny85 chip with Arduino Uno. All…

How to program ATTiny85 with Arduino Uno (part 1)

UPDATE, November, 2015: The article below was written for Arduino IDE versions, prior to 1.6.4. If you are currently using…

ATTiny Line Follower

http://youtu.be/ZEQELKFFFJo Continuing to mess around with the ATTiny85 IC... I ported the code from my Arduino Uno line following robot…

ATTiny85 Mini Robot vs. Black Box

A few days ago we got several ATTiny85 ICs (datasheet) and this is a first video of the small chip…