Shift registers: add more digital I/O to your Arduino

Shift registers are useful chips that can add more outputs or inputs to your micro-controller. The 74HC595, for example, provides…


An Arduino self-balancing robot: working prototype

I spent some time reading on accelerometers, gyros, sensor fusion, PID, optimized PWM motor control. I tinkered with the components…


Arduino Uno and the InvenSense MPU6050 6DOF IMU

A while back I bought the InvenSense MPU-6050 sensor in a “GY-521” breakout board from eBay. For a long time…


28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor with ULN2003 driver and Arduino Uno

First, lets see the little steppers in action! Our main character, StepperBot, is “instructed” to move in a square path…


Using Bluetooth and an Android phone for debugging Arduino sketches

I bought a Bluetooth module a few months ago and never really tried to use it because in my mind…


Arduino robot controlled from an Android phone via Bluetooth

Project overview This is a differential steering robot that can be controlled from an Android phone via Bluetooth. The robot’s…


Simple Android apps with App Inventor

App Inventor provides a fast and easy way to build simple apps for Android phones and tablets. It is targeted…


“Betamax” Quadcopter test flight video

Today I tested my first ever quadcopter, built as part of a recent workshop at the Vancouver Hackspace (VHS) . My…
